On an Edmonton news note, I saw a picture online of the sinkhole that is now Lessard Road. I knew potholes were getting excessive before we left, but jeez... On an English news note, the Physicians Association or whatever it's called here said last week that they're considering tentatively recommending that pregnant women abstain 100% from the consumption of alcohol during pregnancy. They haven't made the formal recommendation yet, but they're considering it. And yes, there are Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder associations and organizations here. But doctors still have not decided on best practice recommendations on how to avoid it...
So, train and ferry travel sounds exciting, doesn't it? I get kind of caught up in the quasi-romance and unfamiliarity of it all. You would think that my opinion would have changed after my most recent journey, but it hasn't. My mind is still tricking me into thinking that train travel is somehow exotic. Whatever--clearly I'm going crazy from lack of intellectual stimulation during the week.
To clarify, though, ferries are still undeniably cool. It only took 99 minutes to cross the Irish Sea, which is wicked fast. The Stena Ferry, which I took, is a high speed ferry and very cool. There are various eateries and amusements on board, including a small casino which is blearily pictured below. The one crap thing about my cool cell phone camera is that it doesn't have a flash function. Well, maybe it does, but the manual is so freakin' complicated that I can't figure it out.
I was in Dublin from Saturday to Monday--it was a long weekend in England. I had spent an entire 4 days, home alone all day with nothing really to do. I felt like I might lose my mind a little if I didn't do SOMETHING, so I went to Dublin to see Erika and Lester and Erika's mom, Phyllis, who was visiting from Edmonton. Now, I shall tell the story of my journey in pictures. With some of them, you will get a larger picture if you click on them. Their layout is kind of confused because Blogger is smarter than me. Guh.
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