I figured this was a blessing in disguise because Meredith taking the scooter meant that I could learn how to drive the car. I know I'm a pretty good driver, but I have issues, okay. It's on the left side and it's a stick. So, I hopped in and ventured off to town. I stalled a few times on the way to the main road, but I kinda got the hang of it. I was heading down a back road and had to get out of an oncoming car's way (narrow road). When I tried to move again, the car stalled. I tried to start it, and it wouldn't start. Same problem as the scooter. I tried for awhile, waited for a bit in case it was flooded. Nothing. So, I called Alan and he came over and towed me with his truck (attached by a chain...don't try it). We got back and he said he'd have a look at it.
At this point, I figured I'd better call the bike shop. So I spoke to a guy there and he said Meredith's scooter was ready and they'd drop it off between 2 and 3 today. I was going to take the bus into town, but decided to wait. In the meantime, Alan and I had a look at the car again and he tried to replace the distributor cap. I think he put the plugs in the wrong places because now when I turn the ignition it's like the battery is dying. We did this for an hour, and I called the bike shop at 3:15 to see where they were. Turns out the guy was delivering another bike in Malvern (near Worcester) and his truck broke down. So the bike's coming tomorrow. PS: thanks for calling and letting me know, slick.
As I had to get to town to buy groceries and hit the library, I decided to suck it up and call a cab. He dropped me off at the library where I remembered that it's closed on Mondays. At this point, I just started laughing. After that I went to Morrisons for groceries, and caught a cab home. Meredith and I had dinner and she's in bed already (it's 9).
One kinda good thing today (maybe...), I called Kathy Chadd (the temping agency) today. Since I may not be able to get to Worcester for 2 weeks I figured I may as well do some awesome office work in the meantime. They remembered me and said they'd get back to me. So, even though my job situation is kinda uncertain, there might be something on the horizon....after a day like today, data entry doesn't look so bad.
Well, that was a bit of a rant. I suppose I should focus on the positive. So, here goes: Our place isn't flooded, which is quite a reality in these parts lately. I've heard that some towns will have no running water for 3-4 days. Hopefully that gets sorted out quickly. When we got back on Saturday it became quite clear that we are cut off, and that people are freaking out. Check out Morrisons on Saturday evening:
Okay, the last one isn't specifically related to the flooding, but look how cute Phyllis and Cricket are.
Oh, before I go here's another positive thing about today. I made fajitas for dinner and they ROCKED. Allrighty, I'm gonna try the bus again tomorrow. It's a little tough though since 2 of our 3 vehicles are out of commission. Ah, that's a problem for tomorrow. Later.
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