Well, hello there. So, Xmas is coming soon and 2007 will soon be over. Personally, it couldn't come soon enough. That being said, lots of good(ish) stuff is happening over here.
The weather in Hereford is, well, just like the weather every other day of the year. Rainy, windy, cold. We've been keeping tabs on what's been happening back home, and it seems that you all have been having some really cold weather. Sucks to be you...haha. We have 2 radiators in our place which keep it toasty. Unfortunately, one of them wasn't working so we were freezing in here. Alan was laughing at us because, "I thought you Canadians were hard". We had to explain to him that we have central heating and don't live in 400 year-old houses (!).

Anyway, he hooked us up with this monstrosity to keep us warm. Boy, did it ever work. It literally got warm within 3 seconds of turning it on. It had some drawbacks though, not least of which was the fact that it is entirely made of metal, and if you touch it you will get second degree burns. As we are both big fans of "Arrested Development", we decided to call it the Cornballer. The other problem with it was that it sucked energy like nothing else. Anyway, Alan fixed our radiator, our place is warm, and my burns are healing.
You'll be happy to know that there have been no car accidents/scooter problems since the last post. I know, it's great. Meredith did have one teensy little problem however. She realized, like, halfway through her day that she had a flat tire. No worries though. She just took it to the Owen Bros. (I kind of have this secret image that they look like Mario and Luigi....don't tell Meredith) and they fixed it. I had to laugh because when she told me about it that night, we were both totally blase about it. That's what 7 months of disaster will do to you.


o, as Meredith mentioned in her last post, we went to Manchester to see the Sex Pistols. Wow. I was so excited, and it was a really fun show. Sure, they're old and everything but who cares. They rocked, and Johnny Rotten could still peel paint with his stare. Here are some blurry stage light pictures that I assure you are actually the band...stupid camera. ^_^

So, it's been pretty quiet around here for the last little while. We've spent the last few weekends just hanging around. We're going to stay here for Christmas and maybe do some volunteering...not sure yet though. In February, we're going to Greece and then Berlin (not 100% but likely) as soon as I become 'redundant'. We are cutting a swath through the TV DVDs at Blockbuster. Just finished season 3 of Entourage. Next up is the finale of The Sopranos. Meredith was so sad that I didn't want to start on it tonight. Hopefully she'll forgive me...someday. haha. Anyway, hope you're all well. Have a good one and please write comments. It makes us feel happy and loved. Later.
P.S. Aren't they cute?
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