Monday, May 26, 2008

Last Dash to London

So, we' made it through 2007 and into 2008 as consistent and regular bloggers, and then what happens...?
Well, we started having wicked fun here and 'cause someone moved in across the hall the internet connection has been total and absolute crap. Hence the neglect of said blog.
However, you will be able to receive updates live and in the flesh as of the 28th at 6:35pm as that's when we land at Edmonton International.
Will see y'all soon, and if anyone is interested, Greg Amundson is playing on Friday the 30th at The Velvet Underground and we'll be there. Hopefully some of you guys can make it as well...
When we're in Edmonton we can be reached for a little bit via my mom's phone on 780 298 0024, until we've gotten ourselves established.
Hugs to you all!

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