Friday, March 9, 2007

It's like a wedding, only not...

Meredith here.
So, my contract with all its ensuing info should be in today or early next week; from there I need to sign my life away for a year or two, and in return we get to move to England. Fair price, no?
This upcoming week, we're going to be e-mailing and snail mailing invites to the going-away party, but for those who actually read this blog, you'll get the first heads-up.
It will be on the 15th of April, which is a Sunday, and it will be at Karen and Kent's house; for their address and contact info, please give me a ring or post a comment. I'm not sure that posting their whereabouts for all to see is necessarily advisable...We will be asking people to RSVP, not because we think we're important, but rather because we need some numbers to work with regarding sandwiches and cake and such. It will be open-house style, so people are welcome to show up anywhere from 11am - 3pm; snacks and a light lunch will be available, and otherwise it's just a chance for a visit and, for some, an aurevoir.
As for the rest, well, we're 6 weeks from departure this Sunday. Maaack!, as I'm so fond of saying.
I'm off to scoot to work--gotta get my last kms in before it bids me aurevior. I'll have to post a pic of it so that it can be immortalized for me.
I hope everyone out there is having a good day.

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